a soldier stabbed to death near Saumur, a woman killed in Meurthe-et-Moselle

The feminist collective against gender-based and sexual violence #NousToutes counted 113 feminicides in 2021.

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Two feminicides were identified in twelve hours, Saturday January 1. A 28-year-old soldier from the Fontevraud camp (Maine-et-Loire) was stabbed several times and the suspect, also a soldier, was arrested in the middle of the day, said the public prosecutor. from Saumur, Alexandra Verron.

The body of the young woman was found on Saturday, early in the morning, in Bellevigne-les-Châteaux, near Saumur, on the landing of a small building, in the common areas. “The alleged perpetrator was arrested. He is also a soldier but he was not in the same regiment as the victim. The trail of a feminicide is privileged”, said the prosecutor, adding that the first hearings had not yet taken place. The body of the young woman presented multiple wounds with the knife, she had specified earlier in the morning.

In Meurthe-et-Moselle, a 56-year-old woman was also found dead Saturday morning in the village of Labry and her husband was taken into custody after trying to end her life. It was neighbors who sounded the alert after hearing noises of an argument at the spouse’s home, according to the Val-de-Briey prosecutor’s office. An investigation has been opened for “murder by partner”.

The feminist collective against gender-based and sexual violence #NousToutes counted 113 feminicides in 2021. According to a report from the Ministry of the Interior, 102 men killed their spouses or ex-spouses in 2020 and 146 in 2019.

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