A society without love, without desire, and full of censors

It’s Valentine’s Day, so let’s ask ourselves the question of the day: are Westerners condemned to live in an atomized society, where men and women will no longer be able to enter into relationships, so many have been put in place? ideological pitfalls on the path to their meeting?

Are we even condemned to a form of collective sexual recession, as evidenced by a recent opinion survey which caused a stir last week among our French cousins?

These questions are not absurd, in a society subject to a particularly virulent neo-feminism, which equates desire between the sexes with a form of alienation, and which sees “control” everywhere – this is the concept fashionable to talk about romantic enchantment.


Our society dreams of complete transparency. She would like to abolish the mystery that surrounds human relationships. She would like to condemn us to a forced egalitarianism which would be nothing other than the death of authentic human relationships, which can never be locked into a purely contractual framework.

We are moving towards a world where men and women, before flirting, before kissing, before mating, will one day have to sign the appropriate authorization papers.

  • Listen to the news review commented by Alexandre Dubé and Mathieu Bock-Côté via QUB :

Neofeminism has established once and for all that the woman is a victim and the man, an executioner: therefore, it would be urgent to decolonize the first from the second.

For my part, I hold the following thesis to be obvious: desire between two beings is extinguished as soon as it becomes absolutely transparent, as soon as its cause is fully elucidated, as soon as the last trace of opacity is revealed. go. Once we truly understand it, it dies.

I’ll add one thing. Our frenzied egalitarianism, which is an ideological neurosis, has made us forget an elementary thing, known since the origins of literature: men and women do not love each other in the same way. They don’t want each other for the same reasons either.

How could we know, moreover, since we have decreed that the sexes no longer exist, that they are pure social constructions from which everyone must free themselves, to access the supreme stage of contemporary liberation, the “non-binary” liberation.

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This desexualized society will obviously be a boring and infantilizing society where people in charge of sentiment and other ideological police will circulate at parties who, claiming to be interested in the consent of everyone, will behave in reality like the priests of yesteryear. , busy calculating the distance between the entwined dancers, busy making sure that the hands do not venture too close to the buttocks or other parts of the body.

A puritanical society is established controlling feelings, desire and their expression. A society where love will find less and less place.

But I want to believe that men and women, sooner rather than later, will send these guardians of morality flying, and will once again give themselves the right to kiss, to embrace, to love each other.

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