A social conservative prepares to enter the race

Pro-life Conservative MP Leslyn Lewis will be running for the party’s leadership. His team is waiting for the final details of the rules of the game to be revealed, but all indications are that they will announce next week that they too are jumping into the arena.

Leslyn Lewis was elected to the Commons in the election last September. She also ran for the Conservative Party leadership two years ago and finished third, having garnered more second-round votes than Erin O’Toole and Peter MacKay each.

Conservatives on the social fringe of the party and pro-life groups are keen for her to be in the race again this time to defend their ideas.

Ms Lewis was thinking about it “seriously” and the unveiling of the first outline rules of the race this week confirmed her intentions. His team wants to consult the rest of the rules, which should be revealed on Friday, in case there is something unexpected hidden in them.

But her campaign plans for the MP from southern Ontario to officially enter the race next week, through a web-based announcement, a source told Reuters. Homework.

The Conservative Party announced Wednesday evening that the next leader will be chosen on September 10. Candidates will have until April 19 to register for the race and until June 3 to recruit new members. The price of entry into the game has been set at $200,000, accompanied by a refundable deposit of $100,000.

The Leslyn Lewis camp is delighted to start the battle with a candidate better known than in 2020, who is already enjoying support in the country. However, he acknowledges that the race this time will be between ” campaigners redoubtable” that are Jean Charest and Pierre Poilievre.

Mr Poilievre announced on Twitter in early February that he would run for Erin O’Toole’s succession. Mr. Charest should confirm that he is starting the race next week at the earliest.

Columnist Tasha Kherridin is also seriously considering running for office, while the former MP who became mayor of Brampton continues his reflection.

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