a slowdown observed in October


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Inflation: a slowdown observed in October

Inflation: a slowdown observed in October – (France info)

Inflation slowed significantly in October, to 4%. The Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire welcomed this and announced the end of the inflationary crisis.

Is inflation easing? In October, price increases slowed to 4% compared to 4.9% in September. A lull which is felt as much on pasta as on chocolate bars or flour for example. But in two years, food prices have increased by 21%. “Before Covid, I did my shopping for 80-100 euros, today I sometimes get to 150 euros”confides a mother.

Inflation at 2% in 2025

Inflation has been slowing since last spring, in other words, prices are increasing less quickly but are not falling. Result: consumers continue to adapt. Since the inflationary crisis linked to the rise in energy prices, the purchasing power of the French has been eroded. The European Central Bank now hopes to bring inflation down to 2% by early 2025.

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