a slightly rejuvenated and feminized upper room


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1 minute


The senators elected on September 24 are on average slightly younger than their predecessors. There are also four more women there, but still no workers since 2020.

For the first time in the history of the upper house in France, the average age of senators fell just below 60 years, after the senatorial elections of September 24. The youngest is 29 years old, while the oldest is 84 years old. The Senate also saw a slight increase in feminization, with four more senators, bringing the rate of women in the chamber to 36%.

No workers among the senators

The socio-professional origin of senators shows strong disparities, with no less than 67.2% executives, 9.2% artisans, traders or business leaders and 5.5% farmers and operators. No worker has been represented there since the departure of Martial Bourquin (PS) in 2020. These elections were also marked by the arrival of the National Rally, which won three seats. 137 to 139 senators should constitute the Republican group, against 65 socialists and 55 to 60 members of the Union Thisnsad. The environmentalists should have 16 representatives.

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