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Is the Covid-19 epidemic still under control in France? If the Omicron variant is less dangerous, it is extremely contagious, and nursing homes are now affected by the rebound of the epidemic. Hearths are reappearing in some establishments.
The shadow of Covid-19 hovers again over retirement homes. Since Monday March 21, visits are no longer authorized at the Ehpad of the Boulogne-sur-Mer Hospital Center (Pas-de-Calais). 12 residents are positive for the virus. “You have to protect both the resident and his visitor”, justifies Michelle Billion, the deputy director of the Ehpad. 96% of the establishment’s residents are vaccinated, and none have had a serious form. Visits should be allowed again at the beginning of next week.
The resumption of contamination is also visible elsewhere in France. Yann Reboulleau, president of the Philogeris Group, a network of establishments, has seen a slight rebound for three weeks, with regional disparities. In the Mon repos nursing home in Sartrouville (Yvelines), barrier gestures and the mask remain in force. “We are all vaccinated, but I am careful all the same, as she is very old”, says Florence Martinez, daughter of a resident. With a high vaccination rate and the fourth dose soon to be administered, the rebound does not scare residents, however.