A slap in the face for Old Quebec

The Legault government announced that it was moving forward with a project of 3e link which would now take the form of a motorway bridge. Bad news for Old Quebec, this bridge would be built between the facilities of the port of Quebec and the Île d’Orléans.

What were our surprise and great disappointment with this announcement! The arrival of a bridge in front of the promontory of Quebec will forever disfigure the visual landscape of Old Quebec and the city. The destructive impact of such a structure must not be overlooked, because it will modify the overall heritage of Quebec. Heritage is not just historical buildings and archaeological remains. Heritage also includes visual breakthroughs which must also be protected and enhanced.

It is easy to imagine the visual impact that the presence of a bridge crossing the river in front of Quebec will create. The view of the horizon, which includes the Laurentians, the Beaupré coast, Mont Sainte-Anne, the Île d’Orléans, the river and the south shore, will be completely obstructed by a gigantic structure. It will be the same at the tip of Île d’Orléans, from where the view of Quebec will be blocked.

The structure that will have to be built, despite the architectural qualities it could have, will be immense in order to ensure the passage of commercial maritime traffic and cruise ships under the deck.

The visual breakthroughs that Quebec benefits from are part of its charm and its riches. They are loved by citizens and sought after by visitors and tourists. Everyone comes to lean on the railing of the Dufferin terrace to admire the view.

The CCVQ hopes that this heritage aspect, which is also raised by CDPQ Infra in its report, will be taken into account and that it will be measured in light of its loss and the irremediable consequences that it will engender.

Such a project was concocted in 1971 and fortunately abandoned. We hope that the same will be true for the 2024 version and that the authorities concerned will demonstrate their sensitivity towards the global heritage of Quebec, recognized as a world heritage city by UNESCO.

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