a “simple device” will replace the government’s “gas plant”, according to LR Véronique Louwagie

Faced with high fuel prices, a “simple device” will replace the“Gaz factory” imagined by the government, estimated Sunday July 24 on franceinfo Véronique Louwagie, deputy Les Républicains (LR) of Orne. On Saturday, Bruno Le Maire, said he was in favor of an increase of 18 to 30 centimes in the discount on the liter of fuel, in a compromise with the LR deputies who called for going “further away”. “The discount could increase from 18 to 30 euro cents in September and October, then increase to 10 in November and 10 in December”, detailed the Minister of the Economy. And with the discount of 20 cents at the pump announced by TotalEnergies, “you would have in some service stations in France a fuel at 1.5 euro”he said, the threshold defended by LR.

franceinfo: Couldn’t we find a simpler system to arrive at 1.5 euros per liter of fuel?

Veronique Louwagie: The device that was found, precisely, is simple. Originally, the government proposed to continue its rebate of 18 cents on a liter of fuel with a degression that resulted in a 0 cent discount in December with at the same time targeted support that depended on income and the distance between the workplace and home. This support required a proactive approach from people. They had to go register on a platform. That was truly a gas plant. What has been proposed, and what we have obtained from the government, is that the price of fuel be lowered at the pump and immediately for all French people who use their vehicle.

There is no Total station everywhere. How to make sure that everyone is housed in the same boat?

This type of device will spread oil. The price of fuel will change and the other companies will also adapt, as competition demands.

The deputies La France insoumise always ask for a “blocking of fuel prices”, which according to them “does not cost a penny”. Is it a principle that you refuse?

I’m not sure it doesn’t cost a penny. We are also in a market economy, free, where we also depend on all the global effects. It still seems very difficult to me. [de mettre en œuvre une telle mesure]. At Les Républicains, we are not at all in favor of this measure which appears to be a measure that I could qualify as “Soviet”.

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