a show to educate children from 4 years old on water issues

Art often makes it possible to transmit messages and this is the whole ambition of the show “Who cut the water?”, currently offered at the Essaïon theater in Paris. An ecological and musical show to make young people aware of the problem of drinking water.

“Kimo is an intrepid and very curious little girl. One morning, she discovers that there is no more water in the taps, and that the whole world is affected. She decides to leave and lead the investigation with his neighbor who is a very great scientist”.

Romain Lefrançois, Yù Marjorie Frydig, and Aneta Szynkiel have created an interactive and educational show.

“The subject is ambitious and complex” recognizes Romain Lefrançois. The three authors wanted to approach and explain the water cycle in a very educational way in order to appeal to young audiences. Their heroine is a little girl named Kimo.

To understand why there is no more water at the tap and how to fix it, she will travel the world. From city drains to ice floes, via underground springs, rivers and even the Himalayas, she meets a water engineer, a fish, a polar bear, and everyone tells her about their misadventures related to the lack of water. water.

The show lasts about fifty minutes and everything is reviewed: the operation of wastewater treatment plants, the formation of clouds, the melting of the sea ice, the resources of the oceans.

Where is she from ? Why is it so valuable? Why should it be saved? Why is the resource increasingly scarce? What are the dangers ahead?

“Songs allow messages to be conveyed, like poetry.”

Romain Lefrancois

at franceinfo

The three authors have worked a lot on pedagogy in order to be relevant to young audiences.

To evoke the melting of the sea ice, they created a polar bear character and a song Plic-Ploc…Significant scenes that the children sometimes talk about with their parents. An interactive show conducted as an investigation, which allows children to react and participate.

“In schools there are many educational initiatives around the environment”, recognizes Romain Lefrançois, who nevertheless believes that the musical show brings additional strength to get the messages across. The ambition of the authors is to educate children from an early age, so that they learn as early as possible the essential actions that contribute to the protection of the environment.

“These are automatisms that you have to acquire when you are very young”, concludes Romain Lefrançois.”

“Who turned off the water?” currently at the Essaïon theater, 6 rue Pierre au Lard, in the 4th arrondissement in Paris.

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