A shortage pushes restaurateurs to reduce their salad portions

A shortage of lettuce is prompting restaurant owners to reduce their salad portions. However, the shortfall is only temporary, and should be reduced in December.

The two most affected products are iceberg lettuce and romaine, said Sylvain Charlebois, scientific director of Dalhousie University’s Agrifood Analytical Sciences Laboratory.

Canada “does not produce [de salade] at this time of year, and above all, the prices [aux États-Unis] are advantageous. »

“We’re very dependent on California lettuce in November,” he added. And the harvest was not very good. The fairly severe drought in October affected lettuce growth. »

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency has also strictly regulated “between September 28 and December 22, 2022” imports of salad from “the counties of Santa Cruz, Santa Clara, San Benito and Monterey of the Salinas Valley, in California,” where “outbreaks of E. coli foodborne illnesses” have “recurring” origins.

“In December, the relay [des exportations] will be given to Arizona, and there, things should return to normal, ”predicts Mr. Charlebois.

Less green sandwiches

The duty noted Sunday that Subway displays on the counter of several branches to have “introduced a temporary reduction in lettuce portions to deal with this shortage”.

The franchise invokes “supply difficulties” caused by “climatic events”. She also foresees a recovery in the situation in December, “when the lettuce harvests will be done in new regions”, but does not hope for improvements by then.

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. The fast food chain Harvey’s also indicates, when you want to place an order, to be “out of lettuce at [son] toppings counter”.

A Reddit thread dedicated to the subject has even been created on the social network. “I work in a restaurant. We’ve taken the Caesar salad off the menu temporarily. Romaine is too expensive,” wrote an anonymous user. The duty could not verify this information.

Restaurants must “absorb the price increase. They won’t charge you an extra dollar for lettuce. So they just don’t offer it [la salade] “, explains the researcher, that the vegetable will probably disappear from the menus for a while.

Last June, fast food chain Fried Chicken in Kentucky cut its salad with cabbage in the face of inflation, angering Australia’s prime minister. “Cabbage is not the same as lettuce,” reacted Anthony Albanese, calling the case “cabbage. spoiled “.

As of this writing, the Subway franchise hasn’t responded to our questions or indicated if it plans to offer lettuce alternatives at its locations.

Prices that “explode”

These supply issues aren’t just disrupting the restaurant business. Prices are “exploding at retail”. But unlike restaurateurs, sellers can afford to raise their prices.

“You decide whether you buy it or not. If there is lettuce [dans les magasins]it just might cost more,” added Mr. Charlebois.

According to the expert, a head of lettuce costs between six and seven dollars in grocery stores. “A piece like that, normally, should cost less than three dollars. »

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