“A short and medium term action plan” requested by Roland Romeyer, co-shareholder of the club

Crisis meeting at ASSE. The co-shareholder and chairman of the management board of the club of Saint-Étienne, in the Loire, Roland Romeyer, “expressed serious concerns about the ranking of the professional team”. The Greens are 20th and last in Ligue 2 after their defeat against Rodez on Saturday (2-0).

“Repeated confidence in the sports management in place”

After this 7th defeat since the start of the season, Roland Romeyer asked to meet this Monday with the sporting director, Loïc Perrin, the deputy general manager, Samuel Rustem, Jean-François Soucasse, the executive president and Laurent Battles, coach of the Greens.

“An ambitious winter transfer window”

After this meeting, Roland Romeyer asked “a short and medium term action plan aimed at remedying the situation”but without further details for the moment this Monday evening.

The co-shareholder also ensures that a action plan has already been started “by strengthening the recruitment unit to achieve an ambitious winter transfer window”.

And Roland Romeyer seems to put an end to the rumors about a potential departure of the Greens coach, Laurent Battles. The co-shareholder does not name names, but he said he “reiterated his confidence in the sports management in place”.

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