The nurse, attacked with a knife on Monday at the Reims University Hospital, died on Tuesday, announced the Minister of Health. For the other victim, a medical secretary, “it would seem that things are going much better,” said the mayor of Reims on Tuesday.
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“A shock, sadness, emotion”reacted Tuesday May 23 on France Bleu Champagne-Ardenne the mayor of Reims Arnaud Robinet after the death of the nurse, attacked with a knife Monday May 22 at the CHU of Reims. “My first thoughts obviously go out to his family, his loved ones, his colleagues who have been greatly affected and traumatized, and of course to the whole hospital community”said the one who is also president of the French Hospital Federation (FHH).
>> Reims University Hospital: “These attacks are more and more violent”, alarms the National Federation of Nurses
Regarding the state of health of the other victim of the knife attack, a 56-year-old medical secretary, Arnaud Robinet is optimistic. “It would seem that things are going much better, that there is no longer any vital prognosis involved”, he explained. “We are waiting for good news”continued the chosen one before emphasizing however that it was necessary “to be careful”. “She was taken care of by all the teams at the CHU, both teams of multidisciplinary surgeons and other doctors. So she is in very good hands”he detailed.
The question of safety within the health establishment resurfaces. “The Reims University Hospital is almost 8,000 hospital workers and between visitors, patients and staff, it’s a constant coming and going, what’s more on a site under reconstruction”nuance the president of the Hospital Federation of France. “We can always increase the number of people at the entrance to health establishments (…). We were able to filter visitors or patients at the time of the health pass, so it is possible to do so”.
“Unfortunately, there can always be a flaw”
Arnaud Robinet, the mayor of Reimsat franceinfo
He also emphasizes that it is “impossible to search every person who enters the hospital”. The two victims were assaulted on Monday May 22 by “a 59-year-old man, Rémois, with a psychiatric history”said the minister during his press briefing at the hospital. “The real question, the real subject, is the follow-up and care of these patients”commented the mayor of Reims. “So there is an emergency plan to put in place which is announced by the Minister of Health (…) But it will take time”he admitted.