a sharp increase in resignations observed over the past two years


Article written by

J.Bigard, M.Félix, M.-C.Delouvrié, O.Combe, D.Chevalier – France 2

France Televisions

Thanks to the health context, in search of a search for meaning, and in the face of the increase in the number of job offers, resignations have increased sharply.

Pôle Emploi foresees record recruitment opportunities this year with more than three million projects identified. It’s a record. Companies are in demand. But will they be able to find this workforce? Several sectors are already in tension. Resigning is no longer scary, thanks to the context of the health crisis.

A 19% increase in resignations has been recorded in two years. “Risk-taking is financial”, observes Anne Lavigne, who left her job to open a clothing store. Like her, there are thousands of them who have left their jobs, in search of meaning in the Covid context and thanks to the increase in job offers. “Today, it is easier to have mobility in another company than before”says an employee of a marketing agency.

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