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The extraordinary parliamentary session ended Thursday, August 4 in the evening with the adoption of emergency measures for the purchasing power of the French: abolition of the television license fee, fuel discount, back-to-school aid were voted.
After three weeks of lively debates, the 2022 finance law was definitively adopted on Thursday August 4, with some last-minute arbitrations. The exceptional back-to-school aid will, for example, be 100 euros and 50 euros more per child, but will ultimately only concern around 10 million households. This scholarship student, who will be entitled to it, is a taker. “100 euros may not seem like much to most people but, as a student, 100 euros is still the budget for a month of shopping“, she explains.
At Also at the heart of the debates, the monetization of RTTs without taxes or contributions was validated, despite opposition from the left. The Republicans would have liked to make it a definitive measure, but it is currently only scheduled until 2025. Aid for fuel oil, restaurant vouchers or even support for food banks are part of all the provisions.