A serene menopause thanks to a good diet

A woman is considered menopausal when she has not had her period for a year.
The inconveniences encountered during this period can be multiple: insomnia, dry skin, hot flashes, irritability and weight gain are all phenomena linked to menopause.

For good hydration

To maintain good internal and external hydration (and thus avoid dryness) remember to drink at least 1 litre, 1 liter and a half of water per day. Do not neglect fruits and vegetables, they are essential.
For your skin, in external care: think of a good moisturizer morning and evening and bet on omega 3, they are cardioprotective (rich in essential fatty acids)
These omega 3s help maintain beautiful skin. They are found in oily fish: SMS: Salmon-Mackerel-Sardines.
They are also high in protein.
Omega 3s can also be found in flaxseed oil: a tablespoon is 300% of the recommended nutritional intake!
To be integrated into your food routine! To avoid drinking it with a spoon, you can drizzle it on a salad (even mixed with another oil such as olive oil). Attention it does not cook!! Flaxseed oil can only be used as a seasoning, and it can be stored in the refrigerator.

The ideal breakfast:

Protein-rich breakfasts to avoid cravings.
“Above all, avoid consuming only sugar.
It can be slow sugar, type oatmeal, bread. But it can also be fast sugars such as jams, honey, fruit, spreads, breakfast cereals.
If you consume sugar in isolation from other nutrients, you risk fluctuating blood sugar levels.
This fluctuation in blood sugar will cause a large spike in insulin.
(And be aware that an insulin spike causes fat storage!)
A good craving ensues. Then this short period called reactive hypoglycemia. It results in several things: you are a little gassy, ​​irritable, you have small black dots on the sides of your vision. At this time, you really want to eat.

So, to avoid this big spike in blood sugar, it’s very simple, you just have to add foods that do not contain sugar.
at breakfast think of nuts very rich in omega 3, hazelnuts, almonds.
Or salty protein: one egg, you make a little avocado. The idea is not to eat sugar alone.

thanks to Magalie Tatessian dietitian nutritionist
specialist in weight loss and dietary rebalancing.

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