Video length: 2 min.
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In Mayenne, a septuagenarian decided to file a complaint for non-assistance to a person in danger against a nursing home and the Samu. According to him, despite six days of repeated calls to the health authorities, no one came to help his wife, who has since died.
AT Chateau-Gontier-sur-Mayenne (Mayenne), Raymond Goulay says he tried everything to try to save his wife, Alice Goulay. On December 14, this 80-year-old woman fell seriously ill. Raymond Goulay cannot move and urgently calls the nursing home where their doctor is. He says he made several calls over six days, to no avail. “I ended up calling the Samu, no one came. They told me : ‘He need a letter from the doctor before we moves“says Raymond Goulay.
A complaint against the health center and the Samu
However, the Samu can take care of a person directly. Raymond Goulay ended up calling a helpline number, 116 117. His wife was then transported to Laval hospital (Mayenne), but according to Raymond Goulaythe doctor on site is pessimistic. His wife died two weeks later. Today, he is filing a complaint against the nursing home and the Samu for failure to assist a person in danger. Contacted, the health center did not wish to respond. On the evening of Thursday March 2, the Laval hospital indicated: “The director of the hospital does not prefer to speak as an investigation is underway.“