A sensational start for Christine Morency

She speaks loudly, she curses, gesticulates and she is full of self-mockery. Crazy and sometimes quite vulgar, Christine Morency had a hot start on Tuesday during the premiere of her show Grace at the Salle Albert-Rousseau.

A phenomenon of the hour in the world of Quebec humor, Christine Morency has been welcomed as a “rock star”. She was applauded wildly when the lights went out.

And it was even stronger when she appeared in a black dress and leggings on the boards. A delirious entry. A resounding ovation as we rarely hear. The connection with the public, boosted, is strong.

“Tabarnak…. Do I chuss Céline? “, she launched, overflowing with energy.

Show by Christine Morency, Salle Albert Rousseau, Quebec, November 22, 2022, Photo PASCAL HUOT / AGENCE QMI

Photo QMI Agency, Pascal Huot

The comedian is at the very beginning of a big tour with several shows that are sold out. Fifty thousand tickets have already been sold.

A good storyteller, Christine Morency, who describes herself as the badass cousin at a party, does not hesitate to laugh at her throughout the 75 minutes of Grace.

Show by Christine Morency, Salle Albert Rousseau, Quebec, November 22, 2022, Photo PASCAL HUOT / AGENCE QMI

Photo QMI Agency, Pascal Huot

What she will do when she talks about her ride in the Le Rotor carousel at La Ronde. A carousel where the circular revolutions allow a person to remain glued to the wall while the floor disappears.

“I descended slowly with the floor. Like the magnet with too many bills on the fridge,” she said.

And adventures, she has experienced several, whether accompanying young autistic people on a school outing, her night in a hotel that she does not want to identify, but who has, she said , a name resembling a Ritz cookie, where this crazy paddle boat ride in Punta Cana.

Show by Christine Morency, Salle Albert Rousseau, Quebec, November 22, 2022, Photo PASCAL HUOT / AGENCE QMI

Photo QMI Agency, Pascal Huot

Sexual misconduct

Anyone who likes everything free, such as tastings at Costco, won’t hesitate to give herself a good shot of the microphone on her belly to “illustrate” the pleasure she derives from it.

During a hilarious visit to the other side of the American border, to take a photo, she specifies that it is a country where her weight is healthy.

Of course, Christine Morency talks about sex. And when she does, she goes all out, even bursting with laughter during certain passages.

“I feel like a chicken under a stove at the grocery store,” she said, wiping her face with a towel and referring to the heat from the lights.

The 35-year-old bachelor will address cases of sexual misconduct, saying she would love to be a victim, only to add, more seriously, that all women have experienced this in their lives.

“We are able to make a sausage dog understand no, but not to number 6”, she dropped.

Christine Morency will be back on March 16 and 17 and April 20, 2023 at Salle Albert-Rousseau.

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