a seminar” to bring together a divided group in the Assembly

According to France Inter, the deputies Julien Dive and Yannick Neuder are organizing a one-day seminar to close the ranks of the Republicans, after the episode of the motions of censure.

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The LR deputies, in the National Assembly, February 17, 2023. (AMAURY CORNU / HANS LUCAS /)

The deputies Les Républicains (LR) Julien Dive and Yannick Neuder will soon organize “a seminar” to reunite their group in the Assembly, France Inter learned on Wednesday March 29. This mission was entrusted to them by the leader of the deputies LR Olivier Marleix.

The right-wing group has been divided since the examination on March 20 of the two motions of censure in response to 49.3 triggered by the government to have the pension reform adopted without a vote. Nineteen LR deputies voted for the motion of censure of the Liberties, Independents, Overseas and Territories (Liot) group, three also voted for that of the National Rally (RN).

“A friendlier moment”

Formalized “Tuesday in LR group meeting”this “daytime” must allow to “all get together”, emphasizes Julien Dive. It must be a moment of “cohesion”abounds Yannick Neuder, but not only: the idea is also to “make the bottom”. During this seminar, the participants will work on the themes of health and work, details Julien Dive. “Fundamentals on which we agree”, he explains. He also has in mind the organization of“a more convivial moment”.

These are two LR deputies with very distant profiles who make common cause here. Indeed, Julien Dive voted the motion of censure of the Liot group while Yannick Neuder did not vote it, any more than that of the RN. The first is close to the president of the Hauts-de-France region, Xavier Bertrand, while the second is a supporter of the president of the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region, Laurent Wauquiez. Finally, Julien Dive, 37, is a member of LR’s “young guard”. Yannick Neuder has held various offices since 2002.

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