a security device deployed at the Champ-de-Mars for the second round



France 2

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The Prefecture of Paris intends to secure the electoral evening of the second round of the presidential election, Sunday, April 24. Live from Champ-de-Mars (Paris), journalist Caroline Sinz takes stock of the planned system.

Sunday April 24, an entire area around the Eiffel Tower should be sanctuary. “Emmanuel Macron has chosen to speak here, at the foot of the Eiffel Tower if he is re-elected tomorrow”explains journalist Caroline Sinz, live from the Champ-de-Mars, in Paris, Saturday April 23. “By his side, members of the government should be present”, she adds. The evening is placed “under close surveillance because the risk of a terrorist attack is still very high”explains the journalist.

The whole area “will be placed under police protection from 4 p.m.”Sunday, “until 4 a.m. Monday morning”, she says. All access will be screened with pat downs and bag searches performed. As for Marine Le Pen, “his electoral evening is organized in a pavilion, in the Bois de Boulogne”, says Caroline Sinz. If elected, her supporters “have planned to converge on the Place de la Concorde to celebrate his victory”.

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