a sector in great difficulty


Video length: 2 min

Building: a sector in great difficulty

Building: a sector in great difficulty – (franceinfo)

Article written by

franceinfo – R. Asencio, D. Basier, JJ. Buty, T, Breton, A. Bouville, K. Johnson

France Televisions

With the gradual end of support measures inherited from Covid, many small businesses have had to close in France. Among the sectors affected, the construction sector is experiencing great difficulties.

Many small businesses did not survive the end of the aid inherited from Covid. In 2023, there were 57,729 business failures, an increase of 35.8% in one year. A quarter of these bankruptcies concern the construction sector. With an investment of 500,000 euros, four houses should have been built on land in Ambarès-et-Lagrave (Gironde). But the construction site has been at a standstill for two years. The reason ? Three of the four houses have still not been sold, so construction cannot begin.

Losses of turnover for promoters

Borrowing rates are high and construction costs have increased, preventing potential buyers from taking the plunge. A developer’s turnover fell by 40% last year. “Every year, we lose 35,000 euros just on a small operation of four homes”explains Jonathan Prévereaud, manager of Terrains du Sud and vice-president of the Pôle Habitat FFB.

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