a second victim was found under the rubble


France 2

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A second victim was found lifeless Wednesday, December 8 after the collapse of a building in Sanary-sur-Mer (Var). The journalist Saada Soubane, live on site for the 8 Hours, takes stock of the situation.

An apartment building collapsed overnight, Tuesday, December 7, in Sanary-sur-Mer (Var), following an explosion. Firefighters discovered a new victim on Wednesday under the rubble. “The body of a second victim was extracted that night around 3 a.m. Identification is pending, but it is most likely the body of an 82-year-old woman who lived here on the ground floor.“, reports journalist Saada Soubane, live on site for the 8 Hours on Wednesday.

The woman’s disabled son, who lived on the first floor, is still wanted. “About forty firefighters, accompanied by dog ​​teams, take turns trying to locate and extract this last missing person.“, adds the journalist. On Tuesday, the emergency services extracted alive a nine-month-old baby and its mother. The father did not survive.”The town has decided to cancel all public events scheduled until December 12“, continues Saada Soubane, who also specifies that an investigation was opened by the Toulon prosecutor’s office for”search for causes of death“.


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