a second body was found after the landslide in a jade mine

Dozens of miners are still missing after the landslide in this jade mine which took place on Wednesday.

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Rescue operations have started. A second body was recovered Thursday, December 23 from the lake in northern Burma, where dozens of jade miners are missing after a landslide on Wednesday. Rescuers searching the lake and rubble for survivors initially said at least 70 people were missing, before adding that they were still trying to confirm that figure. The hope of finding survivors is dashed.

“It rained last night, the cliff at the landfill may be cracked, so we can only start when the sun comes up and the fog clears.”, said a member of the Burmese Relief Organization. Another rescuer, said the water temperature at dawn was too cold for divers to enter. “If the corpses do not float today, they will appear the following days, that’s nature”, he clarified. Heavy monsoon rains caused the worst drama of this nature in 2020, with 300 miners buried after a landslide in the same Hpakant massif.

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