A second attack in a few days at the prison of Saint-Martin-de-Ré

“It’s too much aggression” for Emmanuel Giraud, regional delegate of the FO Justice union. This Sunday, June 26, a supervisor of the prison of Saint-Martin-de-Ré (Charente-Maritime) was scalded by an inmate placed in the disciplinary unit. Second assault in just a few days. Last Thursday, one of her colleagues, a guard, was violently beaten by a prisoner.

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The assault occurred while the morning meals were being distributed. “In the disciplinary section, the detainees do not have a kettle, we are the ones who bring them hot water”, says the trade unionist. Hot water that this prisoner immediately threw on one of the guards present. Hit in the neck superficially, he intends to file a complaint with the gendarmerie at the beginning of the week.

A tense climate, on the prisoners’ side as supervisors

For Emmanuel Giraud, it is about revenge: “The supervisor was targeted. It was he himself who searched his cell”. After these two attacks, he shares the current climate at the central house: “I don’t hide from you that it’s tense, on the side of the prisoners, and on the side of the guards. I don’t really know how to explain it. All I know is that it’s a lot.”

ten days earlier, this same prisoner had tried to escape during a visit to the Pellegrin hospital in Bordeaux. It was for this reason that he had since been in a cell in the disciplinary section.

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