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Sunday, May 8, Agnès Vahramian, special correspondent in Ukraine, returns to the bombardment of a school by the Russians in the Donbass which would have caused the death of 60 people.
Saturday, May 7, a school located in eastern Ukraine, and in which a hundred people had taken refuge, was bombed by the Russians. “This school indeed housed the inhabitants. It was also a military position and [samedi 7 mai]around 5 p.m., a Russian plane dropped a bomb on the building”explains journalist Agnès Vahramian, special correspondent in Bilohorivka (Ukraine), Sunday, May 8.
Firefighters managed to pull 30 survivors out of the rubble, but journalists were unable to access the village. “Indeed, the road which leads to it and which usually is rather calm (…) was today constantly under the fire of the Russian artillery”, explains the journalist. A sign that the Russians have advanced, the Ukrainian army has abandoned checkpoints. This road is strategic, “it leads to the village, but it also leads to two large Ukrainian cities in which there are still thousands of inhabitants”concludes Agnès Vahramian.