A scent of the Landes in the Cévennes with maritime pine resin

The Pays des Cévennes is carrying out its first harvest of maritime pine resin this Friday. A harvest with a name: tapping. The purpose of the community “is to develop an essence of turpentine to make essential oil”explains Patrick Deleuze, 1st deputy mayor of Chamborigaud and vice-president of the Pays des Cévennes.

The idea, then, is that the Fumades spa resort can use theessential oil “for turpentine treatmentsin the words of the person concerned. Our production does not allow us to compete with the industrynotes Patrick Deleuze. What we want is to develop a circular economy, with a different added value.

This first harvest will be done on a hundred maritime pines. So as not to damage these trees, the community has called on a laboratory in Biscarrosse to help it install a eco-certified process.

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