“a scam”, according to three former elected historical environmentalists

Jean-Paul Besset says he understands that there are alliances “for electoral reasons”, but not “that we sit on principles” and that we “give up our own identity”.

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“Words are harsh and they hurt, including those who write them, but they describe a reality, and that reality is cruel”declares Sunday May 8 on franceinfo Jean-Paul Besset, former environmentalist MEP, co-signatory of a tribune published this Sunday in the newspaper Le Monde.

This forum, titled “The Greens’ agreement with La France insoumise is a scam”, was also signed by two other former MEPs, historical activists of the Greens: José Bové and Daniel Cohn-Bendit. It begins with these words: “Aren’t you ashamed, comrades of Europe-Ecology-the Greens?” Faced with the agreement reached by the Greens with LFI with a view to a joint candidacy for the legislative elections, Jean-Paul Besset feels “abandoned by things to which [il] holds the most in life”.

The former MEP believes that “Fundamental principles” are called into question in the agreement with La France insoumise. Jean-Paul Besset criticizes in particular the position of the radical left party on the war in Ukraine and on the European Union, against which he considers that LFI wants to lead a “guerrilla”. “It’s a red line for us”he assures.

Jean-Paul Besset says he “can understand” let there be alliances “for electoral reasons” or for “questions of political strategy”but not “let us sit on the principles” and that we “gives up his own identity”. “We can be ready to compromise”, but “not on democratic principles, not on the principles of freedom”he concludes.

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