a sanctuary welcomes retired elephants


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Elephants who have spent their lives in circuses or zoos are also entitled to a peaceful retirement. A sanctuary welcomes them in Haute-Vienne.

After a long career, Ghandi finally takes a well-deserved retirement. At 52, the elephant discovers her new home. She left her Morbihan zoo to join an elephant sanctuary in Haute-Vienne, where she is the first resident. “There are a lot of zoos with old elephants and it’s always difficult to find a place for them”, explains Tony Verhuslt, confounder ofElephant Haven, with his wife.

This sanctuary, which has just opened near Limoges, will also welcome elephants from foreign countries. “Many countries ban wild animals in circuses, but where to put elephants?, resumes the Flemish. Work to build Elephant Haven will have lasted six years. The refuge covers 29 hectares in the heart of a regional natural park Perigord-Limousin.


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