A salary increase of 20 to 24% for FSE-CSQ teachers

Most of the approximately 95,000 members of the Fédération des syndicats de l’enseignement (FSE-CSQ) will benefit from salary increases ranging between 20 and 24% over the next five years, if they approve the proposed sectoral agreement which is submitted to them these days. The document also proposes injecting $74 million per year to improve the composition of classes in the public school network.

The duty obtained a copy of this proposed agreement concluded on December 22 by the FSE-CSQ with the Legault government. The federation began this Monday to forward this proposal to its various affiliated unions in the province so that they can submit it to their members during general assemblies which will last until mid-February.

The document reports an average increase in the salary scales of teacher members of the FSE-CSQ of 4% on average, in addition to the increase of 17.4% planned for all 420,000 members of the Inter-union Common Front. . The average increase offered to members of this federation thus amounts to 21.48%.

The document specifies that three salary levels out of 16, i.e. the first two and the last, will benefit from a salary increase of less than 20% over five years. The last salary scale is in fact not increased at all, in order to be limited to the 17.4% increase negotiated by the Common Front. A teacher at level number 6 should see his salary jump by 24.5% by the 2026-2027 school year to reach $73,394. A teacher on the last salary scale will then pocket, for his part, an annual salary of $109,121.

This upward revision of 4% on average in the salaries of FSE-CSQ teachers would alone represent an expenditure of $130 million per year, ultimately, on the part of the State, indicates the document.

Teachers will also be able to benefit from an inflated hourly rate of 33% when they substitute in addition to their regular tasks, all in order to offer them “a form of recognition of additional time”, indicates the proposal. agreement.

Class composition

The proposed agreement also provides for a sum totaling $74 million per year to improve the composition of classes in the public school network. This amount includes, among other things, 18.62 million per year to finance the opening of groups as well as the addition of elementary school teachers and other resources. Funding of the same amount is provided for this purpose in five-year-old kindergarten classes.

A sum of $24.83 million will aim to support the composition of the secondary class, in particular by financing the addition of overtime for special education technicians, to open new groups of students and to fund the addition of teachers.

The sectoral agreement also provides for an expenditure of $5.71 million to enable the establishment of various services aimed at improving the education offered to students from immigrant backgrounds or allophones – whose first language is not is neither French nor English. This amount will be used in particular to finance the addition of reception classes and semi-open classes.

As proposed by the Legault government, the agreement also includes the addition of the equivalent, in state-funded work hours, of 4,000 full-time classroom assistants who will support elementary school teachers, including included in five-year-old kindergarten classes. A measure whose bill is estimated at $210 million per year.

However, the FSE-CSQ agreement does not include certain bonuses provided for in that of the Autonomous Education Federation (FAE). The FAE agreement, including The duty obtained a copy, plans to offer a $4,000 bonus to teachers whose class has 60% of students in difficulty. In secondary school, this bonus will be granted when 50% of students are in difficulty. The agreement also provides that a school is not able to offer support measures to the teacher who finds themselves in this situation – for example by giving them access to classroom assistance to support them. – this single bonus jumps to 8,000 dollars.

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