A volunteer found a Rolex during a waste collection on Sunday in Limoges.
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In Limoges, a volunteer for a waste collection, organized on Sunday January 14, found a Rolex watch on the banks of the Auzette, reports France Bleu Limousin. “It’s a real one, with a number, the bracelet is broken at the clip”specifies the deputy mayor in charge of early childhood, Nadine Rivet.
She is the one who coordinates the waste collection workshops on the banks of the Vienne and the Auzette. The luxury item was found by a “faithful” volunteer who came to participate in the collection, “in grass, next to branches.” Numbers are written inside the dial, also indicates Nadine Rivet. The watch was handed over to the lost property on Monday, assures the deputy mayor, who hopes to find its owner.
There were around forty volunteers gathered for this waste collection which takes place once every two months. But not everyone had the chance to come across a Rolex: cigarette butts and beer bottle caps make up the bulk of the trash collected.