“A robot that disinfects the air” Romain Heinrich recounts his visit to the site of the next Olympic Games in Beijing

Romain Heinrich is a privileged one among the athletes of the France team. While usually pre-Olympic events test the venues, they could not be organized last winter. because of the pandemic. Most French athletes will therefore discover everything when they arrive in China. But this is not the case in bobsleigh, because for a track is homologated in competition it must be tested by the crews of the different nations. The international federation therefore organized tests in which the Grenoblois Romain Heinrich participated. The one who trains to La Plage describes mountainous landscapes, a demanding track and a very strict sanitary protocol.

The environment

Yanqing bobsleigh track
Romain Heinrich

We took full eyes for three weeks

The site is truly exceptional. Already, the region is magnificent. In the fall, we had colors, whether in the sky or with the vegetation, which were really splendid. We took full eyes of it for three weeks. Last year, in February, it was minus 20 degrees, so I have no doubt that it will be cold. It’s in the mountains. The bobsleigh track is at 1,200-1,300 meters above sea level and behind, we can see that it climbs anyway! Mountain level there is uneven, there is relief, there is no problem.

The sanitary protocol

A disinfectant robot in a hotel
A disinfectant robot in a hotel
Romain Heinrich

A very pasteurized, very bleached atmosphere

It started, if only to obtain the visa and the green QR Code that allows you to get on the plane, there were rules and papers to be completed in all directions. And then afterwards, there, we were in a sanitary bubble. Concretely, we were allowed to go either to the hotel or to the track. We didn’t go out to visit anything. The training and rest conditions were very good, but on the other hand, sometimes, in the hallway of the hotel, we were walking around and we came across a robot that was disinfecting the air! It was a very pasteurized, very bleached atmosphere. The staff who were here to help us had to quarantine themselves 21 days after we left before resuming normal life. The Chinese government really didn’t want to take any risks.

The bobsleigh track

Really unique

Everything has been thought out so that the athletes can be in the best conditions. It really is a track that is perfectly well designed. The layout itself is original. There are corners that you can’t find anywhere else on the circuit. The track is not dangerous, however, it is very technical, very difficult to go fast. We had a lot of knots in our brain to find the fastest trajectories in the different turns. It will be a big challenge to generate speed there is also turn 11 which is 378 degrees! it means a little more than a turn tackled with centrifugal force. It is truly exceptional. This trail is truly unique.

If he still has to officially validate his qualification for the Olympics, Romain Heinrich should return to Yanqing (site which will also host the alpine skiing events) between February 4 and 20.

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