A robot allows children hospitalized in Toulouse to keep the link with the family


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In Toulouse, Buddy, a small robot allows hospitalized children to participate remotely in the daily life of their families. Supported by the association “The Hope of Princess Manon”, this initiative has beneficial effects on healing. # IlsOntLaSolution

Hospitalized in Toulouse, 80 km from home, Gabin, 6, can still participate in family life thanks to Buddy. This little robot offers him many possibilities, he can call his parents, participate in the preparation of meals or send messages.

The child pilots it directly from his hospital bed using his tablet. If he wishes, through the robot, the little boy walks freely in his house. Gabin thus takes back control of his environment, it is a way for him to break the isolation of his hospital room. An isolation that can last for weeks! The arrival of Buddy transformed the hospitalization. No more feeling of isolation with this new companion! Each patient decides whether or not to interact with the others.

It is the child who is an actor, who chooses to light from his hospital room, to phone his robot. He can also choose not to be in a relationship if he doesn’t feel like it.

Victorine Laumond

clinical psychologist

Ported by the associationThe Hope of Princess Manon “, committed to the fight against leukemia, used in many cancer control centers in France, che device has found its place in the oncology department of the Purpan hospital in Toulouse.

VSette solution allows hospitalized sick children to keep the link in a fun way with those around them. According to the doctors, the use of the robot would also contribute to the success of the treatments and therefore to the cure.

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