Emmanuel Macron announced the dissolution of the National Assembly in a televised address on Sunday, after the results of the European elections.
Reading time: 7 min

A first following a European election. The President of the Republic announced the dissolution of the National Assembly on Sunday June 9 after the clear victory of the National Rally in the European elections, and the holding of legislative elections called for June 30 and July 7.
The outcome of the European vote “is not a good result for the parties defending Europe”insisted Emmanuel Macron, noting that the extreme right has reached “nearly 40% of the votes cast” In France. The RN list led by Jordan Bardella came well ahead in the European elections with 31.5% of the votes, according to a first Ipsos estimate for Radio France, France Télévisions, France24/RFI and Public Senate/National Assembly. The Renaissance list led by Valérie Hayer comes second with 14.7%, closely followed by the PS-Place publique list of Raphaël Glucksmann with 14%.
Manon Aubry’s LFI list received 9.5% of the votes. The LR list led by Françoix-Xavier Bellamy received 7.2% of the votes. Marion Maréchal’s Reconquest list passes the 5% mark necessary to send MEPs with 5.4% of the vote. Likewise, Marie Toussaint’s Les Ecologists list just passes the 5% mark with 5.5%, again according to this Ipsos estimate.
Marine Le Pen (RN): “We are ready to exercise power”
Marine Le Pen claimed that the National Rally was “ready to exercise power“at the end of the legislative elections. “We are ready to exercise power if the French trust us during these future legislative elections. We are ready to restore the country, ready to defend the interests of the French, ready to put an end to this mass immigration, ready to purchasing power of the French a priority, ready to begin the reindustrialization of the country”hammered the far-right leader, on the evening of the RN’s overwhelming victory in the European elections.
Earlier in the evening, the head of the RN list in the European elections Jordan Bardella had asked “solemnly” to Emmanuel Macron “to organize new legislative elections”after the “scathing disavowal” suffered by the presidential camp.
Eric Ciotti (LR): dissolution was “the only solution”
President Emmanuel Macron’s decision to dissolve the National Assembly was “the only solution” after the results of the European elections on Sunday, said Eric Ciotti. The boss of the Les Républicains party specified that the LR party, which arrived on Sunday in fifth position with around 7% of the votes, would go alone under its “colors” to the early legislative elections of June 30 and July 7, “without any form of coalition, cooperation, collaboration with this power which has damaged France so much”.
Earlier in the evening, the head of the Les Républicains list François-Xavier Bellamy estimated that the European elections are “the beginning of a long road to recover the right”. “I know the immensity of the work to be accomplished”, he estimated, especially since “many thought that we would no longer be in the European Parliament, that the right would disappear from French public life.”
François Bayrou (MoDem): “A risk-taking” by the president to “get the country out of the doldrums”
The president of MoDem, François Bayrou, welcomed on Sunday a “risk taking” of Emmanuel Macron who took the “courageous decision” to dissolve the National Assembly for “get the country out of the doldrums”after the victory of the RN in the Europeans. “The President of the Republic takes his responsibilities. This does not happen often in the history of our country. He takes his responsibilities and he says to the French: I give you the choice for the future”estimated the president of MoDem.
Raphaël Gluksmann (PS-Place publique): “Emmanuel Macron complied with Jordan Bardella’s demands”
The head of the PS-Place publique list, Raphaël Glucksmann, estimated on France 2 that“Emmanuel Macron complied with the demands of Jordan Bardella. It is the National Rally which sets the tempo of French political life when nothing obliged it to do so. It is an extremely dangerous game with democracy and institutions. I am stunned by such behavior But beyond that, we have awakened a form of enthusiasm in a political space, that of social democracy and ecology, and that we are going to fight against the extreme right. .”
“The coming to power of the National Rally is absolutely not inexorable. But faced with the extreme right, the political blows and the permanent game with the institutions and the democracy of this Macronist power will not help us. What we must to do is to have a coherent, powerful project in the face of that of nationalist and authoritarian withdrawal.”
Raphaël Gluksmann (PS-Public square)on France 2
“We are reaching out to all left-wing voters on a social democratic, ecological, European line, without excess or violence”, insisted the head of the PS-Place publique list. Raphaël Glucksmann said Sunday “proud” from his third place in the European elections, but did not “not in the mood for the party” due to the score of the far-right lists. “Today, the extreme right represents 40% in France”he lamented to his supporters, evoking “a wave that deeply shakes our democracies”.
Jean-Luc Mélenchon (LFI): Emmanuel Macron “was right to dissolve”
Jean-Luc Mélenchon estimated that the President of the Republic “was right to dissolve, because he no longer has any legitimacy to continue his policy. It is now up to us to remember that, whatever happens, there is no other means at our disposal serious and immediate to touch than to use the ballots When we are rebellious and rebellious, we do not fear the people. What France do we want? We won the first round of the legislative elections. 2022 we can win it again.”
“We will build the alternative to his world and to the extreme right”said Manuel Bompard, coordinator of La France insoumise, on X, after the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly. “We are ready”, assures the deputy. After the results of the European elections, the head of the list of La France insoumise Manon Aubry believed that these results mark the “defeat and the scathing rout of macronism”launched on Sunday. “It is obvious that the country wants to turn the page on the Macron era”she reacted, adding that “this page must not turn with the National Rally”who emerges as the winner of the vote.
Marie Toussaint (EELV-Les Écologues): discussions “very certainly” with other left-wing forces
The head of the list of Ecologists Marie Toussaint (EELV-Les Écologues) announces discussions “most certainly in the coming hours” with the other left forces after the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly. Marie Toussaint deplored on Sunday a “dry, bitter defeat” for a “ecology at half mast” during the European elections which opens, according to her, “the door to all risks”. “Faced with the war waged on ecology, we have held firm, but we are going backwards and we are clearly moving backwards”admitted the environmentalist candidate, explaining that she had underestimated “the strength of lobbies and the cultural battle that is constantly waged against us and against the living”.
Fabien Roussel (PCF) calls on the left to work towards a “pact for France”
The national secretary of the PCF Fabien Roussel on Sunday called on the left-wing parties to work towards a “pact for France” for the legislative elections in June after the dissolution of the National Assembly announced by Emmanuel Macron. “I appeal to my friends, let’s see each other quickly, let’s work together on a pact for France by putting social policies, salaries, purchasing power, the distribution of wealth“, on the table, declared the boss of one of the formations of the left-wing Nupes alliance, set up after the 2022 legislative elections and which exploded in the fall.