a right soon to be enshrined in the Constitution?


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IVG: a right soon enshrined in the Constitution?

IVG: a right soon enshrined in the Constitution? – (franceinfo)

Article written by

France 2 – C. Méral, A. Bourse, AC. Roth, V. Ghiri; F. Decominck, C. Sénéchal, L. Michel

France Televisions

The freedom to have abortion is a fundamental right but one which is not enshrined in the Constitution. This right could thus be threatened. The President of the Republic announced that he was going to submit a bill to the Council of State at the start of the week.

Voluntary pregnancy intervention (abortion) should soon be guaranteed thanks to its inclusion in the Constitution. A draft constitutional law will be sent to the Council of State this week, Emmanuel Macron announced on social networks. “In 2024, the freedom of women to have an abortion will be irreversible”, wrote the President of the Republic. The Head of State has made this commitment on several occasions while the two assemblies have each adopted texts on abortion.

An answer to concerns

Guaranteeing abortion is a response to concerns after threats to the right to abortion in the United States. To enshrine this right, Emmanuel Macron chose constitutional revision through the two assemblies meeting in congress in Versailles, rather than a referendum. The presidential camp should obtain a majority with the votes in particular of La France insoumise. The National Rally leaves the freedom of voting to its parliamentarians.

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