“a rigged election” according to the representative of Nicolas Dupont Aignan in Gironde

“If we believe the polls, more than a third of our fellow citizens do not want to vote, that proves that there is a democratic problem” advances Bruno Grangé who takes up the term election “rigged” employed by Nicolas Dupont Aignan, to denounce the fact that Emmanuel Macron refuses the debate with all the other candidates before the first round, on April 10. “We can not” he said “understand each other’s proposals only if we can compare”.

The deputy and presidential candidate for Debout la France recently received the support of Florian Philippot, ex-RN and founder of the Patriots, Generation Frexit and Brigitte Bardot. This is “recognition of the seriousness of Nicolas Dupont-Aignan’s program” according to Bruno Grangé the representative of the candidate in Gironde, “even if we don’t recognize ourselves in all of their ideas. With Florian Philippot, we agree on the draconian aspect of the health pass”. Nicolas Dupont Aignan wants to ban “all containment” in the Constitution.

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