a return to pure pop for Metronomy

About 35 minutes, and only nine songs. For its return, Metronomy has chosen the offensive formula: pure pop, simple, effective and catchy, without pretension. With songs with evocative names like that of the single It’s good to be backwith a double meaning: the singer of the band, Joe Mount, talks about a return home, with his family, but also the return of music and fun, after the confinements that the band lived with mixed feelings , as we all. “At the very beginning, it didn’t inspire me at all, the fact of staying at home, in uncertainty, not serene, and even scared. But when it calmed down, when we got into a routine , I started to feel potential in the feelings I had for my family or loved ones that I couldn’t see…and for me it was very interesting that in the midst of overall horrible things, of pretty moments also exist.”

Further proof with this other piece, Things will be fine, or even this very colorful clutch, which gives pride of place to nature. Back to simple, pleasant things, and positive thoughts for Joe Mount and his comrades: “For me it’s really a return to clean writing and compositions. A lot of pop songs have the same construction, so I don’t think it’s very different. I always try to do better, without changing everything , it’s also connected to the albums before.”

Despite the brevity of the disc, some songs allow themselves long instrumental parts. On another, LoveFactoryMount’s voice sounds a bit like that of a certain David Bowie: “When you sing with an English accent, in a low key, it definitely sounds like David Bowie! He was definitely an influence for me. I didn’t deliberately try to be like him or imitate him, but when you you’re English… By the way, Jarvis Cocker’s voice also sounds like Bowie’s!”

To find Metronomy on stage and its Francophile leader (he lived three years in Paris and his partner is French), go to the beginning of April with a tour passing through France, with concerts in Strasbourg, Lille, Montpellier, and at the Zénith from Paris.

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