A restaurateur sentenced to pay 1300 euros to a veiled woman whom she has turned away from her establishment!

While some far-right parties undoubtedly dream of making France the first country in the world to ban the wearing of the veil in public space, there is currently no law to grant this liberticidal wish.

However, not far from Saint-Jean-de-Luz, in the town of Hendaye, a restaurateur allowed herself to turn away a woman from her establishment on the pretext that she was veiled. Worse still, the restaurateur had even demanded that the potential client remove her veil to sit down with her son. A discrimination that this mother, who simply wanted to have dinner with her child for Mother’s Day, did not let pass…

This Tuesday, November 29, 2022, the Bayonne prosecutor’s office therefore sentenced the restaurateur to a fine of 600 euros. Recognized guilty of “discrimination based on religion”, the latter will also have to pay 1,300 euros for the moral damage suffered by the client and her son, and carry out a citizenship course “with a view to learning the values ​​​​of the Republic” , the court said.

“I felt very humiliated, she hurt me a lot, now I always have this fear when I go to a restaurant”had testified the veiled woman during the trial while her son had confided that he had felt like a “French sub” during this altercation.

A news item that reminds us that racism and discrimination are not opinions, but indeed criminal offences.

See also:

Lisa Ziane

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