a reshuffle of the government envisaged in the coming weeks?


Video length: 2 min.

France 2

Article written by

A. Mezmorian, A. Bourse, C. Graziani, V. Jan, G. Daret, C. Méral, J. Assouly, M. Duguet, A. Bouville, M. Munilla, B. Nayrolles, M. Kassou – France 2

France Televisions

More and more rumors from the corridors point to a possible cabinet reshuffle at the beginning of the summer. If Elisabeth Borne seems to be able to keep her place, some names are emerging to replace her at Matignon.

Ousting ministers who are tired, too technical or who, according to some influential advisers, take little or no light. In the line of sight, a reshuffle is preparing in the hope of a new breath. For the past few days, time has suspended its flight at the top of the state. The preferred scenario is for Elisabeth Borne to remain in her post. Asked whether these days at Matignon are numbered, she kicked into touch. Elisabeth Borne, who, for her supporters, did not fail in a context of relative majority. A minister clarified:To change Prime Minister is to burn a cartridge. Especially since the system is not paralyzed, we passed 20 texts“.

“Denormandie, Lecornu, Darmanin”

The Prime Minister hangs on, and lets nothing show. Although her relationship with the president has become strained, she has no obvious successor. “The shortlist is Denormandie, Lecornu, Darmanin”, advances a deputy close to the president. So, what window of opportunity? Around July 14, a date close to the 100-day milestone set by the Head of State, or after September 24, the date of the senatorial elections?

Will this new team be more to the right? To pass the immigration law or the budget, the government looks to the Republicans, but no figure is required. For its part, the right distances itself with each speech.

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