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A report from the Academy of Medicine, unveiled on Wednesday March 1, points to the lack of staff in the smallest maternities. He proposes that 111 maternities, carrying out less than 1,000 deliveries per year, close.
Each year, 370 babies are born at the Blaye Academy (Gironde), too few to maintain deliveries there, according to a report by the Academy of Medicine. “She must not close, she must stay for mums, future mums. She is really very good, the staff is at the top”, launches a resident against the closure of the maternity ward. Faced with these criticisms, the report defends the safety of deliveries, threatened by the lack of personnel. It recommends the closure of 111 maternities making less than 1,000 deliveries per year.
New closures for lack of additional caregivers
The objective of maternity groups is that “these women can benefit from the proximity before and after childbirth, with a return in the hours following childbirth in this maternity ward of origin. But that the act of childbirth is secured in a large structure will benefit from means additional human beings to welcome these women”, explains Professor Yves Ville, head of the gynecology-obstetrics department at Necker Hospital and member of the Academy of Medicine. In the absence of additional caregivers, further closures are planned to accompany staffing problems. But each time, elected officials and residents oppose and mobilize against this.