“A replacement”, Karima Charni reveals that Lucie Bernardoni should never have participated in “Star Academy”

The countdown is on… Saturday November 4, 2023, the star Academy

returns to our screens after a year of absence! A season that viewers of the first channel are impatiently awaiting, especially since in recent days, several rumors have been circulating about this telehook.

In fact, three candidates from the star Academy, would have already been ousted from the program even before the start of the broadcast. One of them even spoke on the airwaves of South Radio : “I am told that for reasons of budgetary restrictions, they had to reduce the number of weeks of broadcast and therefore the number of candidates”announced the young man from Toulouse on October 30.

Departures that production finally confirmed the day before the broadcast of the first bonus. “They had signed their contract, we are contractually committed to them so we are going to pay what we owe them. We are absolutely sorry to have had to take this step, it was not something easy. We are really puts them in their place, it was a terrible moment for them. We try to support them as best as possible, we are in contact with them, we see how to try to follow them, to help them in this very difficult moment when we believe touch a kind of dream. And all of a sudden, it stops. It’s very hard.” assured Jean-Louis Blot at the microphone ofEurope 1.

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Revelation 19 years later

A decision that Karima Charni, at the head of this season’s dailies, also commented on. Saturday November 4, Karima Charni will indeed be the guest of Eric Dussart and Jade on the show We’re doing TV again on RTL. A program to which our colleagues from Tele-Leisure

had access. Thus, the latter shared an extract from the show during which the host declares: “It’s a decision that falls more to the production and the channel. You know, there are mechanics in this kind of show… I’m sad for these candidates who are not going to join the show alongside the others students, but that’s how television is made, there are mechanics to be seen on the stories to be written”.

And added about the fourth season of Star Academy to explain that this was not an isolated case: “19 years later, I think I can tell you the truth, in my season, there are people who left the same day! You know, Lucie Bernardoni who was with us and who is a coach on the Star Academy, she was the finalist of my season alongside Grégory Lemarchal. And Lucie, that’s what we call a spare, a last minute replacement! Someone didn’t return to the castle and it was Lucie who took their place! So, it happens, that’s why it’s not a new thing…”


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