A renowned professor from Laval University thanked

Laval University’s political science department sends home a professor known for his dedication to his students. Officially retired since 2009, Jean-Pierre Derriennic, 78, continued to teach for free. He had given 25 full courses to date without being paid, judging that the university had already paid him enough in his life.

“I will not be able to correct your work or give you notes”, the professor has just written to his students. He told them that the political science department no longer wished to keep him in its service on a voluntary basis because of an administrative dispute concerning its method of evaluation. Officially, in one of his courses, there was only one formal evaluation, while the administration requires two. The professor argued that special monitoring exempted him from reading this rule too narrowly.

Crowned with a solid international reputation, hailed by a grand prize from the university precisely for his exceptional teaching, Mr. Derriennic affirms that he will nevertheless continue to offer his subject online to students.

Two student petitions challenge the management’s decision. The students say they welcome “with dismay” the decision of the institution, which they consider “extremely deplorable”, on the understanding that they accept the supervision of this professor beforehand. “We would also like to highlight the exceptional work and dedication of this teacher for each of his students”, while evoking “the high quality of teaching […] throughout his career.” And they’re asking that he be reinstated.

Joined by The duty, Professor Derriennic explains that “the method for which I am reproached”, I used it very often for 30 years. But for a year and a half, he says, the new director “started to make me fuss” about it.

Thierry Giasson, director of the Department of Political Science, did not want to answer questions from the Duty. It was the university’s public relations department that took charge of the file. According to the latter, “Jean-Pierre Derriennic is not an employee of Laval University”, since he was not paid. But since he still gave classes every year, this forces the university to “deploy a solution to support students”, while they find themselves without a teacher. “The necessary will be done to quickly find a solution” for them, was content to affirm the communications service.

A prominent personality

A pupil of Raymond Aron, Professor Derriennic has a long international track record. In 2005, he received the Carrière en enseignement award from Université Laval, accompanied by congratulations from the Vice-Dean of Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences. He pointed out that this professor used to follow his students one by one, in order to discuss their written work, and not to rely, as much as possible, on assistants for the correction of the copies, while by being demanding with regard to the quality of French. For these reasons, Professor Derriennic was judged “not to be like the others”, underlined the administration of the university.

A letter dated January 21, says Professor Derriennic, instructed him to change his evaluation method. He refused, deeming it “fairly good or even very good”. It is also “a good rule of life not to give in to threats”, he added.

According to a press release, the Association of Political Science Students of Laval University (AEESPUL), the professor defaulted before “a regulation applied by the administration”. Nearby Duty, the AEESPUL specifies that “Mr. Derriennic was and remains a prominent figure in the university community, particularly among students who have taken his courses during his long years dedicated to teaching and the transmission of knowledge. “. She is worried that her departure, for administrative reasons, could have consequences for the progress of the students.

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