Enzo, 22, filed a complaint on March 26 after having a testicle amputated. The young man was hit by a shot from a defense ball launcher (LBD) during the demonstration against the pension reform in Rennes on March 23.
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A protester filed a complaint on March 26 after having his testicle amputated after being shot by LBD during the March 23 demonstration against pension reform in Rennes (Ille-et-Vilaine), reports France Bleu Armorique , Thursday, April 6. Enzo, a young man of 22, was hit in the crotch by a shot from a defense ball launcher (LBD), around 2 p.m. on the Lammenais quay in Rennes. He was first hospitalized at the CHU Pontchaillou, before being released after three days and filing a complaint at the Fougères police station.
>> INFO FRANCEINFO. Law enforcement: the Defender of Rights has received 90 referrals since the start of the mobilization against the pension reform
It was more than a week later, on Sunday April 2, that the young man presented himself again at the hospital in Fougères, before being transferred to the hospital in Rennes. “They saw that my testicle was no longer vascularized and that it was infected. It was necessary to amputate”, he testifies to France Bleu Armorique. The Rennes prosecutor’s office specifies that a “medical-legal examination concerning him is scheduled for Friday, April 7. The direction of the investigations will be specified following this forensic examination”.