MP Caroline Janvier believes that this phenomenon is the result of a “system” and “unimaginable pressure” on deputies and ministers.
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“Politics produces deviant behavior.” The majority deputy Caroline Janvier denounces the “addictive practices” taking place in the National Assembly, in an interview with Paris Match, published Friday December 1st. According to this MP, “there are evenings where drugs are circulating, just as there are dinners or the end of parliamentary sessions where there is excessive alcohol consumption”.
However, according to Caroline Janvier, there is no “no more vices in the Assembly than elsewhere”. It’s necessary “analyze this phenomenon as a system”she believes. “This is done more during night sessions, after returning from dinners where there was alcohol. It was proposed, at the office of the Assembly, that we no longer serve it at the refreshment bar , but it remained there”she regrets.
The Renaissance MP, whose comments echo the affair of Senator Joël Guerriau which caused a lot of noise around ten days ago, admits to having started drinking and smoking herself, before choosing to stop everything. “Either you have an excellent lifestyle, or you take something to keep you going”she believes. “Addictive practices also exist among ministers”but “they have an unimaginable level of pressure”she justifies.