The LFI MP had been portrayed as a slave in a publication of the weekly in June 2020 for which the director and a journalist of “Valeurs Currents” were definitively condemned on Wednesday.
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“This definitive conviction” of Current values “is important to me”, reacts Danièle Obono, La France insoumise MP from Paris, Thursday January 18 on franceinfo. Wednesday, the Court of Cassation rejected the appeal of Erik Monjalous, director of the publication and Laurent Jullien, editor of the article in question.
The weekly Current values had published, in August 2020, a story entitled “Obono l’Africaine” and subtitled “Where the rebellious deputy experiences the responsibility of Africans in the horrors of slavery”, in which the elected representative of the 17th constituency of Paris was depicted as a 17th century slave in a village in Chad. The text was accompanied by an illustration showing Danièle Obono with an iron around her neck.
“A symbol”
“Beyond myself, it is a symbol of encouragement, for all those, more than a million people, who in our country say they are subjected to racist comments and acts and who do not always obtain justice”, declares Danièle Obono, notably “because it is impossible to undertake legal procedures which are very expensive”she continued.
“I was able to carry out this procedure. It represents three years, it costs a lot of money. Justice can be done and it is also a reminder to those who use freedom of expression for racist purposes and that All of this is not an opinion, racism is an offense and is not acceptable in the Republic.”concludes Danièle Obono.