When movie fans learned that a new version of West Side Story was in production, there was bound to be some doubt. And then the name of the director appeared: the immense Steven Spielberg had decided to tackle this challenge.
Maria loves Tony, Tony loves Maria. But it is an impossible love. The script is well known: West Side Story is a beautiful love story that ends badly. Since the release of Robert Wise’s film in 1961, generations of Americans have been rocked by this musical tragedy and the memory of Natalie Wood as a distraught lover.
Steven Spielberg was a teenager when he discovered the film, and it sealed his fate as a filmmaker. “It really blew me away. I then realized the power of cinema and that of theater, because Wise, with Jerome Robbins, merged theater and cinema in this work”, he says. In this remake, Steven Spielberg makes his camera dance, in a reconstituted New York of the 50s. With this 35th film and his eternal air of young man, he continues a virtuoso to tell us great stories.