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After the disappearance of Leslie Hoorelbeke and Kevin Trompat, the investigation accelerated on Tuesday February 28. A relative of the couple was taken into custody in the morning in Vendée. He had lent his accommodation to the couple the evening of the disappearance of the young people, last November.
A relative of Leslie Hoorelbeke and Kevin Trompat is now at the heart of the investigation into their disappearance. It was he who had lent his accommodation to the couple on the evening of their disappearance, on November 25. He had participated in an organized search to find them last January. On the morning of Tuesday, February 28, the man, named Tom, was arrested and placed in police custody. His Vendée home in L’Aiguillon-sur-Mer was searched.
Custody still ongoing
On the night of November 25 to 26 lastTo Prahecq (Deux-Sèvres), the couple spent an evening in a house with relatives. It was the last time the couple gave a sign of life. The day after their disappearance, the girl’s van was found open near the place of the evening. His phone stopped one last time at noon, a few kilometers away, near Niort (Deux-Sèvres). Later Kevin’s personal effects Trompat were discovered in a dumpster in Charente-Maritime. The custody of the couple’s relative is still in progress on Tuesday evening.