a relative gives news and does not reassure at all!

Her surprise appearance for Mother’s Day pleased her entire community. However, she obviously noticed that she was not in great shape. Indeed, for this special day, Celine Dion made a short appearance on Instagram to give her news. The Quebec diva, wanting to reassure her fans, assured that she felt “still better” but that she still encountered some health concerns.

“But I still have muscle spasms. I have to be in good shape, in good health, so that I can give 100% of myself on stage, because that’s what you deserve”, she confessed. Words that agree with those of Michel Drucker. The famous presenter, close to the interpreter of I’m alive in fact confided in Gala to tell more about the state of health of his friend. He also took the opportunity to assure that she would soon sign her return, on one condition.

No more news than this

“I think she really wants to come back, but I think it’s out of the question that she will if she’s not on top. She won’t come back if she’s not the Celine that We’re waiting. Céline, she doesn’t sing nearly!”. It will therefore, no doubt, have to be still patient before finding her on stage. Especially since a relative made some confidences not really reassuring about the widow of René Angélil. This is Marc Dupré who is none other than the husband of Anne-Marie Angélil, the youngest daughter of René.

Invited on a show, he admitted at first that he was happy to have seen Celine Dion again on social networks: “Today I saw a picture of her with her kids and I thought, ‘That’s good, that’s the most important thing: family'”. The latter, however, ensuring that he and his relatives have not “not so much news these days, because these are difficult times. I find it sad. I find it difficult for her not to be able to express herself on stage. She’s been doing it forever. There’s a lot health reasons of which I am not aware”. Hoping that the one who has always been able to transport her audience with her voice can do it again, as soon as possible.

See also: Celine Dion again in mourning


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