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Used for twenty years in the banana plantations of Guadeloupe and Martinique, chlordecone has contaminated soil and water for several centuries. But this pesticide has mainly contaminated its inhabitants in the long term.
While the Paris Court intends to dismiss the case due to prescription, a forum bringing together associations of victims, lawyers, scientists is protesting against this lack of questioning. For Marie-Josèphe Hardy Dessources, member of the LDM collective, this prescription is based on the start times, but not on the end of the harmful effects of this pesticide.
Banned in the United States in the 1970s and in mainland France in 1990, chlordecone was used by way of derogation in banana plantations in the West Indies until 1993. While the first complaint dates back to 2006, the West Indians today present one of the one of the highest prostate cancer incidence rates in the world. For some signatories in the forum, this impunity of the state and these limitation periods represent colonial contempt. They call for the rules of prescription to be reformed by taking into account the very long-term effects of chlordecone.