a referendum to modify the statutes of the rejected party, a setback for the leadership

The “yes” received 55% of the vote, far from the 66% necessary to be adopted. What plunge the environmentalist party a little more into the crisis already fueled by the Bayou affair.

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Status quo among environmentalists. The internal referendum to simplify the organization and adapt EELV to the “conquest of power”, supported by the party leadership, was rejected on Sunday 25 September. According to the figures consulted by France Télévisions, in addition to a low turnout (30% of the 11,000 members), the “yes” only obtained 54.93% of the votes, far from the 66% necessary to be adopted. The bar was too high for a controversial proposal.

The introduction to the referendum urged to say “yes to the end of motions, as machines for manufacturing opacity and militant demobilization. Yes to more transparent and more readable operations”.

The “yes” was supported by the national secretary Julien Bayou and Marine Tondelier, who should seek the head of the party at the congress scheduled for the moment in December, and by many elected officials. “The complexity of our statutes excludes them, they must be simplified”explains the municipal councilor of Hénin-Beaumont to AFP.

“What a failure on participation… It shows that part of the management around Marine Tondelier cannot mobilize. They managed to bring us together with our opponents”confided to France Télévisions a close friend of the former presidential candidate Yannick Jadot, opposed to this referendum. They crashed completely”, add another.

This setback for the management of EELV comes as the party is shaken by accusations of moral harassment against Julien Bayou by an ex-companion. After the testimony on France 5, Monday, of the deputy Sandrine Rousseau, who met this ex-companion, the environmental group in the National Assembly suspended Julien Bayou from his co-presidency. What plunge a little more the environmentalist party into the crisis.

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