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64 million Turkish voters were called to vote on Sunday May 14 to appoint a new president and new deputies. The country is particularly divided.
Queues in the hallways. And a lot of patience to get to the voting booth. In a school in Istanbul (Turkey), it is the big day for the citizens. “I’m happy, so excited”said a woman. “I’m stressed, I would like to know the result already”, says a man. The ballot is a referendum for or against Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, and his supporters know it well. Erdogan who voted on Sunday morning May 14.
Kemal Kiliçdaroglu united the opposition
He is seeking a third term in the midst of an economic crisis which has weakened him. The one who dreams of beating him is Kemal Kiliçdaroglu. He has united the opposition and is leading the polls. His supporters believe in change, after 20 years of the same regime. “The determination on our side is very strong. It was not like this before, we were afraid. We were not united. But with Kiliçdaroglu, we move forward together, with hope and in peace”, says a woman. To monitor the polls, the two camps face each other in the schoolyard. No incident came to disturb this voting day.