a reduced application requested by the Senate



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While the application of the health pass should be extended on French territory until July 31, the Senate is resisting and wants its application to be reduced. Thierry Curtet, journalist France Télévisions, is live from the Senate for the Journal of 12/13.

The Senate is resisting the extension and the rules decreed by the health pass. “Senators LR and PS have already modified the text during their committee work against the advice of the government”, explains Thierry Curtet, journalist France Televisions, live from the Senate, for the Journal of 12/13 of Thursday, October 28. “They only want to authorize the extension of the health pass until February 28, and not until July 31”, he adds.

A slingshot to remove the limits of freedom

“The health pass is a device, which in their eyes, limits public freedoms. There is therefore no question of allowing its use for such a long period, without control by the representatives of the people “, says Thierry Curtet. The sling of the PS senators and LR therefore concerns public freedoms. But what will happen? “The senators will first confirm their vote, then the government will most likely turn to the National Assembly to return to the date of July 31”, he adds. The extension is therefore still not confirmed.

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